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We are 25!

Columbus UK is 25! A look back at technology in 1994.

By Columbus UK
Columbus UK is 25! Communications and IT Provider celebrates 25th anniversary. It's hard to believe Columbus UK is 25! Time flies and technology moves on at such an incredible pace. For digital natives (those born after the 1980's and familiar with technology and the Internet from an early age), it's hard to imagine life without smartphones, smart TV's, iPads, Google,…
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Columbus UK is 25, the leading Business Communications and Technology Service Provider celebrates 25 years in business. Image of sparklers.

Columbus UK’s 25th anniversary promotion launched.

By Columbus UK
Columbus UK is offering 25% rental discount on all new services for a limited period. Columbus UK's 25th anniversary has arrived! In 1994 the World Wide Web was in its infancy with just a few thousand web sites compared to over 1.5 billion today. We relied on dial up broadband and any web page with an image would takes ages…
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